About The College
K. M. Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Kalyan, affiliated to University of Mumbai and grant-in-aid from Government of Maharashtra was founded by Hindi Bhashi Jan Kalyan Shikshan Sanstha, Kalyan, in September 1994 with traditional courses B A, B Com & B Sc. College has its vision, mission & objectives according to the national policy which involves quality promotion and its sustenance. As a result in a very short history in May 2006, College was accredited with B+ grade by NAAC, Bangalore.
The Leadership of the College i.e. Management and Principal are very dynamic, co-operative and supportive. They adopt proper quality policies and strategies and implement them by involving the faculty to upgrade the quality of the College. The faculty of the College is excellent and dedicated. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the College is also very active. The collective efforts of all the above have contributed a lot in achieving the excellence in terms of quality.