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K. M. Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce and science, Kalyan is run by the Hindi Bhashi Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha kalyan. It is affiliated to University of Mumbai and grant in aid from Government of Maharashtra. It is establish in September 1994 with traditional courses B.A. , B. Com; B. Sc. Now College offers many UG and PG programmes in emerganing fields viz B.Sc IT & Computer Science, BMS, BBI, BAF as job oriented courses. Programmes of higher study viz. M.A in History and Economics, M. Com, Bussiness Management and Financial Accounting & M.Sc. in organic chemistry. College is also having PhD. Center for Physics, Commerce and Economics.

College was re-accredited in December, 2014 for IInd Cycle with CGPA 3.03 at “A” grade by NAAC Bangalore. Our College also received ISO-2009:2015.

The Library of K. M. Agrawal College was established in 1994 with the vision of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s five golden rules. The Library which started with an initial collection of 274 Books, Today Library has more than 55600 books and more than lacs of e-books and thousands of e-journals under multiples platform like N-LIST, British Library, Asiatic Society Mumbai etc. as well as subscribed 60 Print Journals and Perodicals. The Library has automated with SOUL 2.0 Software developed by INFLIBNET Gandhi Nagar with WEBOPAC facility and also Library has Qr-Code function to provide Subject wise book list instantly.

Working Hours:
Mon - Sat : 8.45 am - 06.00 pm
Reading Hall : 8.00 am - 6:30 pm
Circulation Counter : 150 Books Approx
Reference Section : 25 Books Approx
Sun : Closed